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What I do really well:

Design and illustrate! Leadership and creative direction; budgets and planning; brainstorming, presentations and pitches; social media channels; photo direction, editing and oversight of photoshoots; press checks and digital press proofs; copyproofing; production superhero; offset, digital and flexo printing processes; print vs. digital/when and why.


I am a passionate culture-shaper and ask all the questions to get the best work. I rely on total collaboration and contribution across all internal channels without ego. I have overseen numerous product launches, events and large-scale projects and have enjoyed every minute of them. And I appreciate the everyday (and even the hail mary) projects that help pay the bills. Most of all, I am a designer first, so the visual language of my
work always resonates and connects with its audience.

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BFA in Visual Communications
The University of Kansas, Lawrence

(Brighton Polytechnic, England)



Freelance Designer/Illustrator

Senior Art Director
Wunderman Thompson Health


Associate Creative Director
Paradowski Creative


Associate Creative Director

Phoenix Creative Co.


Current and past clients include:
Anheuser-Busch (AB InBev), Nestlé Purina,
Sara Lee Bakery Group, Washington
University in St. Louis, Olin Business School, Monsanto/Bayer, Save-A-Lot Foods,
Cutex/Revlon and 10+ healthcare companies.

Mad skills:

• InDesign

• Illustrator

• Photoshop

• XD

• Acrobat

• Keynote

• PowerPoint

• Outlook

• Teams

• Sharepoint

• Sketch

• Basecamp

• Asana

• Miro

• Figma

• Wordpress

• Zoom/Webex

• FB Ads Manager for Paid Social,
Google  Display Ads and Google Ads
(Google AdWords / Paid Search)

• Best practices for CSS and HTML5

• Lifelong illustrator

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